These photographs were used in the special exhibition 'Go Out With the Poet in Nankichi - Nankichi Niimi and Nature in Chita' at the Nankichi Niimi Memorial Museum in Handa City, the hometown of him, a literary figure known for his novel 'Gon-gitsune'. The exhibition combined Nankichi's poetry with photographs of nature in the Chita Peninsula. Nankichi Niimi looked at the nature around him and wrote many poems as well as narrative works. The titles after the numbers are the titles of his poems, which were displayed alongside the photographs.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Proofread by Toru Sochi

    at Nankichi Niimi Memorial Museum (Handa)



NO.02  お伽噺  "NURSERY TALE"

NO.03  春の電車  "SPRING TRAIN"

NO.04  つばめ  "SWALLOW"

NO.05  少女ぶり  "LIKE A GIRL"

NO.06  五月の星は  "THE STARS OF MAY ARE"


NO.08  ごろぜみ  "GORO-ZEMI"

NO.09  小さな星  "LITTLE STAR"

NO.10  蛍  "FIREFLY"

NO.11  蜂  "BEE"

NO.12  蜻蛉  "DRAGONFLY"

NO.13  こおろぎ  "CRICKET"


NO.15  道  "WAY"

NO.16  冬  "WINTER"

NO.17  木  "TREE"

NO.18  終業のベルが鳴る……  "THE CLOSEING BELL RINGS......"

NO.19  貝殻  "SEASHELL"

NO.20  花  "FLOWERS"

NO.21  花  "FLOWERS"

NO.22  花  "FLOWERS"

NO.23  花  "FLOWERS"

NO.24  花  "FLOWERS"

NO.25  花  "FLOWERS"


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